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Durch die Konstruktion in einer qualitätsgesteuerten Werkseinstellung nach ISO9001 sind unsere Fertighäuser nicht nur platzsparend, sondern auch sorgfältig gebaut.

Fertighäuser sind bekannt für ihre hohe Bauqualität und ihre schnellen Bauzeiten - aber das bedeutet nicht, dass diese Wohnungen dem Design opfern. Hier werfen wir einen Blick auf vorgefertigte DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE-Kabinen, die modern, elegant und umweltfreundlich sind.

Das vorgefertigte Kabinendesign bietet Platz für zwei Personen und kann fast überall transportiert und platziert werden.

Größe: 3 m * 9 m Gesamt 27 m 2


Konstruierte Pläne Basierend auf CE. AISI, AS / NZS 4600 Standard Engineering Plan
Wandrahmen Alle äußeren und inneren 89mm * 41mm Dicke von 0,75mm LIGHT GAUGE STEEL FRAMING
Dachrahmen Australien Standard Engineered Dachbinder 89mm * 41mm, Dicke 0,75mm Stahlbinder
Faszie Stahlverkleidung 200mm * 25mm
Überdachung entweder hochfeste Welldachplatte oder Asphaltdachplatte
Untersichten Faserzementplatte
Verkleidung Faserzementplatte
Dachrinnen Null
Windows Australien Standard Alaun. Kraftbeschichtetes Profil und Glas, verglaste Fenster
Vordere Eingangstür Australien Standard Alaun. Power Coated Profil und Glas, glasierte Tür
Deckenlatte Deepblue 22 Latte für die Decke
Isolierung R2.5 Glaswolle an der Wand, R3.5 Glaswolle an der Decke
Innenverkleidungen 9mm Sperrholz
Ceilling 9mm Sperrholz
Scotia 9mm Sperrholz
Sockelleiste 9mm Sperrholz
Regale Sperrholz
Innentüren flache MDF-Flügeltür
Türbeschläge Scharniere, Schlösser, Schlüssel alles inklusive
Küche Optional
Toiletten Wasserzeichen Toilette
Tapware Australien Standard
Wäschewanne (falls vorhanden) Optional
Duschen (falls vorhanden) 900/1000 Acrylwand mit Sicherheitsglastüren
Bad (falls vorhanden) Optional
Schiebedusche (falls vorhanden) 900/1000
Eitelkeiten (falls vorhanden) Optional
Warmwasserspeicher Optional
A / C. Optional
Haushaltsgeräte Optional


  1. Buy the plans
    In order to begin building your beautiful house, you need to start with a set of plans. You can't unlock the rest of the process without them.
  2. Get them approved
    Take your plans to your local building department to ensure your build is compliant with all local regulations, and get your plans approved.
  3. Plan your build
    Need to find a contractor, or want to wrap your head around how you'll frame the wall of the house? Our detailed plans precisely inform all these conversations.

Ähnliche Produkte

What is the next step?

Learn more about what is available for you through our  STANDARD and Tailored-Made building process

Interested in this design?

To find out about this design, please make an enquiry below and one of our home consultants will get in touch with you.

And pls visit the STANDARD proccess.


  • Precision Engineering: Our technology-driven approach ensures exacting precision in every aspect of the construction process, from the initial design to the final installation. This results in buildings that are structurally sound and aesthetically impressive.

  • Rapid Construction: By leveraging our advanced technology, including CNC machines and automated manufacturing processes, we significantly reduce construction time without compromising on quality. This allows you to complete projects faster and start generating returns on your investment sooner.

  • projects faster and start generating returns on your investment sooner.Streamlined Processes: Our proprietary software seamlessly integrates all stages of the construction process, from design and engineering to manufacturing and quality control. This streamlines the workflow, minimizes errors, and enhances efficiency.

  • Sustainable Solutions: We are committed to environmentally friendly practices. Our technology enables us to optimize material usage, minimize waste, and incorporate sustainable materials, reducing the ecological footprint of each project.

Emma L., Real Estate Developer

"DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE transformed our multifamily project into a stunning and efficient living space. Their expertise in design, engineering, and construction allowed us to maximize the use of our property and create modern, high-quality units. The entire process was seamless, and their attention to detail was exceptional. We highly recommend DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE for any multifamily development." - Emma L., Real Estate Developer

Sarah C., Multifamily Developer

DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE delivered exceptional results for our multifamily project. Their expertise in panelized manufacturing and precise construction techniques ensured high-quality units with efficient layouts. The attention to detail and commitment to sustainability were evident throughout the process. We are extremely satisfied with the final outcome and highly recommend DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE for any multifamily construction." - Sarah C., Multifamily Developer

Michael R., Multifamily Investor

"We chose DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE for our multifamily project, and it was the best decision we made. Their ability to streamline the construction process while maintaining superior craftsmanship was impressive. The team's professionalism and responsiveness exceeded our expectations. The finished project not only met but exceeded the standards we had envisioned. We are grateful for the partnership with DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE and would choose them again without hesitation." - Michael R., Multifamily Investor

Reach Out

Contact us today to learn how our cutting-edge technology can elevate your construction projects. Whether you're a developer, builder, or investor, we have the expertise and resources to meet your unique needs and deliver exceptional results.

[email protected]

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