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Turn Ideas into Reality

Using rolls of light gauge steel, DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE transforms architectural inspiration into project reality much faster and more cost-effectively than ever before.


Speed Construction time often 20-50% faster than traditional techniques. Up to 30% faster than wood, and up to 50% faster than concrete! Superior Material Quality 100% engineered to precisely meet the design specifications, steel means straight walls, square corners, and fewer call backs. Green Recycled and recyclable, there are less scrap and waste, with a high 90% yield. And wouldn’t you know, it’s 30% lighter than wood. Design Life 50+ years of life with Aluminium Zinc galvanized steel, minus any chemical treatments, wood-destroying insects, mold, or mildew. Cost-Effectiveness DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE fabricates in order of assembly, so you reduce expensive labor, and it’s simplicity reduces overhead and risks.

Integrated Factories + Jobsites

Integrated manufacturing and assembly at the job site represent the fulfillment end of New Build projects.

DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE utilizes offsite manufacturing to bring time and cost savings to projects. Our job sites act as an extension of factories, providing greater precision, higher productivity, and more quality control.

Curated Product Portfolio

For New Build clients, DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE acts as the sole supplier for every major category of building material, including site and structural materials, rough-in products, and all finishes.

By developing a curated catalog of product selections that are utilized for all DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE service lines, everyone benefits. We are able to aggregate demand and offer volume-based material pricing benefits not previously available to individual customers and projects.

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